Michele R. Durham, RN, BSN

We welcomed Michele to our HARMONY Center healthcare team in 2016. Michele embodies strong clinical judgement and professionalism that we know will enhance our patient’s healthcare experience here at our practice. Michele values communication with her patients and is always open and available to respond to our patients questions. Michele has most recently transitioned from the rigors of OB/GYN midnight nursing care to serving as the HARMONY Center lead clinical / surgical boarding coordinator. Michele brings a unique skill set to our practice as she earned a Bachelor of Elementary Education from Oakland University in 2005 and taught several different grade levels for five years. Although she enjoyed teaching, she remained interested and committed to pursue a medical career that focused on patient care. In 2013, Michele completed an Accelerated Nursing Degree program from Oakland University and graduated with her RN degree. When Michele is not caring for her patients, she can be found spending time with her husband, 9 year old daughter and their beautiful newborn son. When Michele has any “free time” from her young family she also enjoys doing Zumba with friends and shopping. We are glad to have Michele here at HARMONY Center and we know that she is looking forward to meeting you!